Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2020

Die Geschichte der MotoGP-Kommentatoren Deutschlands

 Ich verfolge die MotoGP, was das Fernsehen angeht, noch nicht sehr lang. Erst seit 2019 kann man in Deutschland alle Rennen und Qualifyings im Free TV sehen. Die Übertragungen der MotoGP insgesamt begannen 2004 mit Kommentator Ron Ringguth und Experte und Ex-Weltmeister Dirk Raudies auf Eurosport. Der gebürtige Krummennaaber Lenz Leberkern war ebenfalls als Kommentator tätig und kommentiert mit Raudies auch heute noch die Superbike-WM im PayTV Eurosports.

Die MotoGP-Rennen selbst waren alle umsonst zu sehen, die der kleineren beiden Klassen nicht immer. Das änderte sich nicht, als 2009 die Rechte zu Sport1 übergingen. Nur kommentierte Eddie Mielke alle Rennen, Alex Hofmann wurde neuer Experte, kommentierte aber erst ab 2011 die Rennen mit.  Die MotoGP war immer zu sehen, und zwar im FreeTV, die beiden kleinen Klassen nicht immer. Leider war zu dieser Zeit ausgerechnet die Königsklasse nicht sehr abwechslungsreich. Eine Saison wie 2020 war damals noch unvorstellbar. Die kleinen Klassen waren deutlich spannender, aber nicht immer zu sehen.

2015 bekam Eurosport die Rechte zurück, und wieder kommentierten Ringguth und Raudies, während Hofmann Experte in der Boxengasse blieb. Auch Leberkern kam zumindest teilweise wieder und kommentierte und schnitt diverse Hintergrundfilme. Nun war auch die MotoGP nicht immer im FreeTV zu sehen. Und es gab ordentlich Ärger im Paradies. Hofmann, der selbst MotoGP gefahren war, bemerkte die mangelnden Fachkenntnisse von Raudies und Ringguth und kommentierte schon ab dem zweiten Wochenende beim MotoGP-Rennen mit. Zudem zeigte sich Ringguth damit überfordert, alle Rennen und alle Trainings zu kommentieren, somit kam ab Frankreich mit dem Kärtner Hannes Orasche ein weiterer Kommentator hinzu, der jetzt bei den kleineren Klassen kommentierte. Doch dem Ringguth konnte man es auch so nicht rechtmachen, denn jetzt fühlte er sich UNTERFORDERT und nahm Leberkerns Aufgabe der Vertonung der Hintergrundfilme. Dieser hatte jetzt nichts mehr zu tun und bekam zwar Verteidigung Hofmanns, war aber schon aber dem Sachsenring nicht mehr dabei. Dafür fehlten dann Hofmann und Orasche in Indianapolis und mit dem aus NRW stammenden Ex-IDM-Champion Stefan Nebel kam ein weiterer "Experte", Präsenter und Kommentator hinzu. Gut, dass er jetzt die Superbike-WM bei ServusTV zusammen mit Philipp Krummholz kommentiert. Später fehlte auch einmal Ron Ringguth, es gab also schlicht und einfach keine Ordnung, wer wann was kommentiert. Dann wurde kurz vor Saisonende die Entlassung Ringguths verkündet, auch Raudies würde nur noch bei den Superbikes kommentieren. Als die Saison schon vorbei waren, stieg völlig überraschend auch Hofmann aus und beschloss, zu ServusTV kommentieren, allerdings für drei Jahre nur in Österreich. Es verblieben also nur Orasche und Nebel. Versuche, Ringguth und Raudies doch zurückzuholen, scheiterte.

Dafür kamen der Ex-Footballer Jan Stecker als Präsenter (eine Aufgabe, die eigentlich Nebel gehört hätte), Ralf Waldmann als Experte und Harry Weber als Moto3-Kommentator hin zu. Orasche verblieb als Kommentator der MotoGP und Moto2, und überraschenderweise war Nebel bei ALLEN Rennen und Trainings als Experte tätig. Man hätte Waldi definitiv mal in die Kabine holen können, man hat es aber nicht. Er kommentierte lediglich aus der Boxengasse und abseits der Strecke.

Es blieb aber nicht bei dem Frieden. 2017 stieg Orasche drei Rennen vor Schluss aus. Dann, 2018, gab es kurz vor Saisonbeginn eine Hiobsbotschaft. Ralf Waldmann verstarb völlig überraschend an einem Herzinfarkt. Er wurde nicht ersetzt, sondern Nebel, der nie auch nur ein WM-Rennen gefahren war, blieb alleiniger Experte. Ich frage mich, wie er die ganze Arbeit geschafft hat, will es nicht als anstrengend Bezeichnen, aber, wenn es nicht nur die Qualifyings und Rennen sind, sondern auch die Trainings und das Warm-Up, ist doch sehr wenig Zeit für ein Päuschen. Weber blieb das Schicksal erspart, er kommentierte zwar die beiden größeren Klassen, wurde aber in der Moto3 durch Ruben Zimmermann ersetzt, der mir, um ehrlich zu sein, neben Nebel nie richtig auffiel, auch bei Philipp Öttls Sieg in Jerez, bei dem Weber tatsächlich vor Freude auf den Tisch sprang, nicht. Ich dachte, Weber würde jetzt alles kommentieren.

Wie auch immer, so spannend die Rennen da auch waren, meine Lust auf MotoGP gucken war da nicht sehr hoch. Deswegen hat mich der Wechsel zu Servus TV 2019 deutlich positiver gestimmt. Servus TV allgemein ist ein Sender, der jetzt nicht großartig ist, aber bei dem man sich immerhin nicht fremdschämen muss. Hofmann selbst kommentiert an der Seite des Tirolers Christian Bruggers, und beide machen ihre Arbeit sehr gut. Mir gefällt Philipp Krummholz von den World Superbike-Übertragungen zwar noch etwas besser mit seiner emotionalen Art, aber Brugger ist sehr anständig, ruhig und ziemlich humorvoll. Als Experte aus der Boxengasse ist der Veteran Gustl Auinger tätig, der immer noch nicht an Rente denkt, auch Stefan Bradl ist Teil der Servus TV-Mannschaft, 2020 kam er aber fast nie zum Einsatz, da er Marc Marquez ersetzten musste, der ja wegen seiner Verletzung die gesamte Saison verpasste. ¡Mejorate pronto Marc!

Auch Stefan Nebel schaut sich hin und wieder im MotoGP-Lager um und kommentiert manchmal aus der Boxengasse oder von den Rennen aus anstelle von Alex oder Gustl. Ich finde, alle machen ihren Job gut, im Gegensatz zu Eurosport gibt es hier keine Nervensägen oder Lahmärsche mehr. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das so bleibt. Und dass die MotoGP ja auch so spannend bleibt! Obwohl, die Grünen werden das früher oder später kaputt machen...

Neujahrsgrüße aus der Oberlausitz an inhaftierte Nationalisten (von Der Dritte Weg)

Sollte die Seite von den Zecken wirklich gemeldet gesperrt werden, so habe ich dieses Backup meiner Kollegen aus der Oberlausitz gemacht. Heil Deutschland! 

Viele Menschen leiden während des fragwürdigen „Lockdowns“ an sozialer Vereinsamung und Isolation. Die Zustände sind zwar zweifellos kritikwürdig, jedoch immer noch ein Paradies an sozialer Interaktion und individueller Freiheit gegenüber jenen, unter denen inhaftierte Nationalisten in den Gefängnissen des Liberalismus leiden müssen.

Auch im Jahr 2021 sitzen in hiesigen JVAs Deutsche, deren größtes Verbrechen es war, ihr Volk zu sehr zu lieben. Denn egal, ob man sich in den Stolperfallen der antideutschen Meinungsparagraphen verfängt oder ob eine harmlose Schubserei oder gar Notwehr gegen einen feigen Überfall zu politisch motivierten Gewaltdelikten mit schärfsten Strafen zurechtgebogen werden: Im Kampf gegen „Rechts“ werden auch die Gerichte, Gesetze und Exekutivorgane bemüht, und wo normalerweise Vergewaltiger und Totschläger lachend die Gerichtsgebäude verlassen, lässt die Gesinnungsjustiz bei politischen Dissidenten allzu oft die Handschellen klicken.

Doch keiner der Inhaftierten ist vergessen! Nationalrevolutionäre aus der Oberlausitz nahmen sich daher zwischen den Jahren die Zeit, kleine Grußbotschaften an die Kameraden hinter Gittern zu senden.

Heavy Metal ist anti-weiß, anti-deutsch, anti-traditionell, jüdisch und schwul

 Viele weiße Nationalisten lieben Metalmusik. Warum? Weil sie angeblich stark "pro-westlich" ist, oder zumindest eine "weiße Identität" beinhaltet, und "populistisch" sein soll.

Ist dem so? Ich bin ja ein großer Musik-Fan, ich kann mich für vieles begeistern. Umso trauriger, dass ich selbst kein Instrument beherrsche. Ich höre schon Musik, die man richtig kacke finden sollte, wie Drum'n'Bass, also beim trainieren. Aber keine Sorge, Rap, Trap oder so etwas nicht. Trotzdem, nein, D'n'B würde ich an die Herrschaften da draußen nicht empfehlen. Ich höre Gott sei Dank meistens, wenn ich Zeit habe Barock, Klassik und Romantik (letzteres am meisten).  Auch für Volksmusik habe ich viel übrig, und ich darf erwähnen, dass Mexikaner es ebenfalls haben, zumindest für die bayerische.

Die Amis haben nicht nur das moderne Gedudel, das Country genannt wird, sondern Musik, die sogar wirklich ländlich klingt. Muss man sich nur in den Bereichen Bluegrass und Cajun umschauen. Ist natürlich auch nicht für jeden, aber doch gehaltvoller als die elektronische Musik, die ich sonst höre. Höre natürlich auch die ein oder andere kommerzielle Musik, da ich wohl einen beschissenen Geschmack habe und naja, das ein oder andere finde ich sehr "catchy", und der ein oder andere Song wurde für Memes verwurstet. Bestimmte Musik höre ich einfach, weil ich sie gern höre, nicht, weil ich sie weiter empfehlen würde. Ein Gary Moore, ein Dick Dale oder ein Day Wave werden wohl kaum etwas sein, das ich der Familie empfehlen würde, überhaupt, ich würde den Kindern eher empfehlen, etwas traditionelles zu spielen, mit oder ohne Gesang, man sollte nicht seine Traditionen vergessen. Die Musik, die ich höre, wenn ich nix traditionelles höre, kann man gern vergessen. Es gibt sicher bessere Beispiele als mich.

Nun aber zu Meddl, ich meine, Metal. Und ja, die Nachricht hier könnt ihr gerne nach Altschauerberg 8 bringen. Ich war auch mal Metalhead, leider. Warum? Naja, ich war eher ein Mitläufer in YT-Communities über Death Metal, als Google Plus existierte, kannte auch selbst in einer WG mehrere Metalheads. Die Gemeinschaft beeinflusst einen schließlich, kein Wunder, dass man bei der Auswahl der Freunde vorsichtig sein muss.

Aber zurück zum Thema, ich selbst finde es einfach bizarr, dass Metal als die Musik der Nationalisten angesehen wird. Nun, dem ist leider nicht so. Metal und Rock sind nämlich unter klar jüdischen Einfluss und voller Degenerationen. Gene Simmons, David Lee Roth, Dave Mustaine, Chuck Schuldiner, Alex Skolnik, Marty Friedman, Mike Portnoy, Jordan Rudess, Scott Ian, Dee Snider und viele andere sind ethnische Juden. Das ist leider die Wahrheit und der moralische Relativismus der Musik spiegelt dies auch wieder.

Die ganze Szene der Popmusik und Videospiele war in den 80ern und 90ern ja noch voller Optimismus. Will jetzt nicht sagen, dass sie was wirklich gutes war, aber immerhin ein guter Eskapismus aus dem Alltagsstress. Aber schon in den 90ern nahm das ganze eine Wende. Wir kamen von harmlosen Mario-Spielen zu Mortal Kombat, wo sie dir die Köpfe abreißen, von Loriot zu diesen ganzen vulgären Stand-up Comedians, und von der neuen deutschen Welle zu einem Kirchen abfackelnden Varg Vikernes. Ich glaube, dass diese Leute wussten, dass dies demoralisierend war, aber nicht in der Lage waren, es zu artikulieren und genau auszudrücken, was das Problem mit all dem war; dass es auf ein tieferes soziales Problem hinwies. Die Jugend war wütend und nihilistisch über ihre Zukunft und ihr Leben als Folge der Boomer und ihres destruktiven, apathischen Lebensstils. Ich glaube, dass viele der Leute, die man im Fernsehen sehen kann, wie Metal dieser großartige Satan ist und all das andere empörende Zeug damals absichtlich gepflanzt wurde; wahrscheinlich nur bezahlte Schauspieler von Schlomos, um die Goyim, die es bemerkten, total lächerlich erscheinen zu lassen. Tja, und leider hat die Kacke funktioniert.

Und, jetzt samma amoi ehrlich, sind diese Metalheads wirklich gegen das Establishment, wie sie behaupten? Nö. Die einzige Autorität, gegen die sich diese "Kultur" widersetzt, sind die Traditionen Europas. 

Viele suchen ja nach Ausreden wie "aber das sind doch Opponenten gegen das jüdische Christentum!", aber so läuft das nicht, meine Herren. Es ging um den Niedergang völkischer Traditionen.

Da sieht man es, Satanismus und Antifaschismus.


Überhaupt, die ganzen Metalstars, sehen die nicht wie Transen aus?

Ganz zu Schweigen von diesen Gschichten über Rockstars, die sich besaufen und es mit Nutten treiben, typisch Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll... wie will man das bitte schönreden?

Nietzsches Nihilismus war und ist also in vollem Gange. Auch auf dem Albencovern sah man immer häufiger Leichen und Blut - ich glaube, ich erspare euch diese Scheiße lieber.

Auch die Teufelshörner sind sehr präsent. Ein Symbol des allsehenden Auges der Illuminaten.

Auch die Kleidung... man könnte immerhin sagen, bei Nightwish würden die Frauen sich traditionell kleiden, aber sehe keinen Unterschied zwischen den Geschlechtern mehr. Sowohl männliche als auch weibliche Metalheads haben lange Haare, Piercings, Tattoos und übertrieben viel Makeup. Schwer zu sagen, welchem Geschlecht es mehr schadet.

Viele streiten sich darüber, was jetzt echter Metal sei und was nicht. Darauf will ich nicht eingehen. Es ist eine ziemlich Religion, viele sagen, man dürfte nichts hören, was nicht Metal sei, oder, dass man lange Haare haben MÜSSE. Aha. Man darf also nicht mehr wie ein echter Mann aussehen? Vielen Dank aber auch.

Und ja, natürlich gibt es auch talentierte Musiker, die nicht einfach nur rumbrüllen. Ich mag das Neoklassik-Subgenre von Interpreten wie Vai, Satriani, Gilbert, Malmsteen, Becker, Lane, Petrucci, Holdsworth etc., da es keinen Gesang und für Metal-Verhältnisse relativ klare Melodien und ungenerische Rhythmen gibt. Auch bei Sabatons Musik und ihren Lieder über die Zeit der Weltkriege sehe ich positives. Aber das sind klare Ausnahmen unter den hunderttausend Metalbands, die je existiert haben. Unterm Strich ist es jüdische und antitraditionelle Musik.

Falls euch das nächste Mal also jemand weismachen will, Metal sei auf einer Stufe mit Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart oder Wagner, weißt sie darauf hin, dass ihr Gott Rob Halford fürs Lutschen von Schwänzen verhaftet wurde.

Welche Musik darf man denn noch hören? Antwort: was man will, kann ich ja nicht verbieten, aber es ist fatal, zu glauben, dass jemand, nur weil er hinter etwas steckt, was man mag, also irgendeinem Buch, irgendeinem Film oder irgendeinem Lied, auf der richtigen Seite sei. Empfehlen, kann ich, wie gesagt, natürliche Musik wie Volksmusik oder Orchester. Schönen Tag noch.

Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2020

Music Review - Fun Lovin' Criminals - Come Find Yourself

And here we go with another review. Now that I discussed their album "100 % Colombian", I can discuss their first one "Come Find Yourself" too. TBH, I used to live it, but looking back no, I cannot understand it anymore after I gave it another listen. Too many songs sound similar, and in general the music is swallowed by the (generic) lyrics. Just crime and mafioso gangsters. Even though I must say that "Passive/Aggresive" (which varies between bluesy alternative rock and brass), "The Grave And The Constant" (cool acid jazz rhythm), "I Can't Get With That" (bluesiest FLC song) and "The King Of New York" (jazz/funk crossover) do stand out from the rest since they are very much focused on the music and show a good melody. The two hits "Fun Lovin' Criminal" and "Scooby Snacks", which both lead me to the band's music in the first place, are just average and pretty annoying to say the least. And the jazz standard "We Have All The Time In The World"... it just doesn't feel right here. The most part of the album is just a Beastie Boys copy (and honestly, the Beastie Boys are crap anyways). Sorry. It is overall just a mediocre album looking back. It isn't bad, but not good either, with some exceptions. This and the third album "Loco" do have some single songs that I love to go back to, but as a whole album only "100 % Colombian" works. Nevertheless, looks like FLC will remain part of my life, at least with 10-15 songs lol.

Montag, 20. Juli 2020

Malcolm X exposes Judaism

Music Review - Fun Lovin Criminals - 100 % Colombian

And now for first ever CD review on my blog after my two gaming reviews. This CD, which was released in 1998, is not something I would usually listen to. I despise rap, it just doesn't appeal to me at all. it honestly isn't music. Not all is bad, but overall it needs to be said that it takes little talent. But this ain't a "true" hip hop record. It also has influences of alt rock, jazz, brass, soul, funk and blues. The music here also is pretty melodic. It is not the only album I own, I also own their debut album "Come Find Yourself" (which is way more influenced by rock and less by jazz than this and also has less trumpets) and some other ones too, but this one definitely has the best groove.
Lyrically the three New Yorkers don't provide much. The lyrics are hard to impossible to interpret, most of them seem to talk about criminals and out of the perspective of such (hence, the band's name lol). Compared to "Come Find Yourself", most are more in a critical and melancholic way, with the exception of "Korean Bodega", "10th Street", "Southside" and "Big Night Out". It just perfectly fits into NYC, a city that is marked by crime, violence, drugs and poverty. Sometimes it is hard to see whether the lyrics are honest or sarcastic. At least it's still better than any "real" hip hop. "Southside" plays from the perspective of a rapist or perhaps even murderer. Not that I was much of a fan of that, but unlike Nine Inch Nails it at least doesn't give ya nightmares (sorry that I have to rant on NIN, I just despise music that gives you nightmares, I do like dark music like 16 Horsepower, but not music that is too crazy, which sadly also is the case for some jazz records, luckily not here). "Sugar" on the other hand is like a message to God, thanking a lifesaver ("and I don't know how to feel anymore, but I'm tryin, I'm tryin to tell ya"). While "We Are All Very Worried About You" is the most melancholic song of the album, in both lyrics and melody.

And now we are getting there. Luckily the instrumentals are way better than the lyrics, and honestly, usually we don't really pay attention to the lyrics. The beats usually affect us more. They are strongly influenced by Smooth Jazz, like already said, many songs like "Up On The Hill", "Love Unlimited", "The View Belongs To Everyone" and "We Are All Very Worried About You" sound pretty melancholic, but also with a strong summer atmosphere. While "Korean Bodega" follows the rock sound of the debut album and the closing track "Fisty Nuts" (an instrumental) has a strong influence of 50's country/rockabilly, sounds like an instrumental from an early Johnny Cash song. I honestly hate calling this hip hop, since this hip hop definitely focuses more in the lyrics, but here the lyrics, like already said, have little value. The only song from this album I wish that wasn't there is the tasteless "Big Night Out". Sorry, it just sounds awkward? Why did those three boys ever have to record it? Now it's one of their most suggested songs at concerts. I mean, I'm not a concert goer, so I don't care, but it still disguists me...
Overall however the three men are talented musicians. Huey Morgan has a soul influenced type of guitar playing (but isn't per se the best vocalist), Brian "Fast" Leiser is an allrounder, who plays bass guitar, trumpet, keyboard and harmonica and does a good job with all four, looks like he is the biggest talent in the band. And last but not least Steve "O" Borovini, who does a solid job at drumming, such a pity he would leave the band one year later.
Overall it isn't a must listen to, usually people with my taste of music won't like it, but if you do like smoth jazz sounds mixed with some melodic blues, this definitely is for you. Play this at a beach party or while driving in your car near the beach, people will love it. Nothing you will tell your kids about, but it is good for what it is and unlike gangsta or "concious" rap it at least can be enjoyed somehow - at least with the exception of the horrible "Big Night Out".

Most enjoyable tracks:

Up On The Hill
Love Unlimited

The View Belongs To Everyone
All For Self
Mini Bar Blues (with the legendary BB King instead of Huey on the guitar!)

Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020

Gaming Review - The Crew 2 (PS4)

And here a game that gets lots of hatred from racing fans, and I have to ask myself - why?
A lot of people claim it looked worse than The Crew from 2014, however, that is not true. Indeed, sadly thanks to the large amount of content the damage system and the details were forced to regress, but other than that it does not look worse at all. Actually the engine used is different and therefore, while the first The Crew had pretty dirty and Need for Speed styled graphics, the ones here a lot smoother and brighter.
Also,compared to the first game, The Crew 2 has way more liberty to offer, since in the 2014 one you pretty much were bound to the missions. Now you have lots of freedom to explore America, also thanks to the fact you not only have cars now, but also planes and boats. So I'm glad Ubisoft (also the developers of Assassins Creed, Watch Dogs and Rayman) have made that move
Now, there isn't much story in here. If you liked escaping from the cops in TC1, you may be disappointed, because here you don't fight against the law. But honestly, I'm glad this was changed because we don't need another Need for Speed lol.
Now your goal is to become a sucessfull race driver in four different racing families: the street racing family, the offroad family, the freestyle family and the pro racing family. Each of them has four type of serious and in the end you drive against a boss. You win money by scoring Top 3 results. Also, you score new fans too to improve your level.
I just find strange that no matter whether you finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd, you always get the same amount of money. Most people never critisized, but I just find it... strange.
The cutscenes are pretty good and not half as bad as critics said. It's a racing game and obviously not focused that much on story. Your main assistent is your mechanic hero, who will accompany you in every racing family. The families itself also show that they are there for a reason, you see your boss and your family members. Of course there coulda been done more, but I am happy with what they already offer.
Controls and physics: the controls are extremely solid with a PS4 controller, the only thing that bothers me is that ya can't rewind like in FH4. So if you crash, you may have to restart. And if you miss a checkpoint, you'll be disqualified. And if you are stuck on the map outside the races, you may have to change your vehicle.
I just wish you could kick down trees and crash barriers like in FH4. That sadly ain't the case here. You just stop there. Yikes. Other than that however, luckily the controls are solid enough.
I honestly saw people complaining and complaining about the way the events were made. But honestly, they were miles better than in the Crew 1 and also better than in Forza Horizon 4. But let's go through it one by one. You of course can access the events by driving (or flying) there, but you don't have to, as soon as you unlock em, you also can simply access em on the map.
Now for the disciplines/series itself:
Street Racing Motorsport:
Street Race: Definitely the main discipline, with street races you already know from Need for Speed, Burnout Paradise, LA Midnight Club, Test Drive, Forza Horizon and the like. You drive in a city like NYC, LA, Las Vegas or Detroit and while the the amount of distance is always shown in %, you usually drive two laps. You however don't always drive in cities, but also point to point races on the countryside, and I've realized the races within a city are way harder than the city races, and I don't know why. At least it's the way I experience it, and I also the races to be easier with a bike than with a car. Overall I would say it's more fun than in NfS, and that means a lot considering it's only one of 16 types of racing now! It can be frustrating on some tracks tho if you do not have the right car (or it isn't upgraded enough). In general the races are less easy than in other racing games, especially since you can't switch difficulty.
Drift: The cars you use are usually similar to street racing cars, but they are more focused on drifting. Drifting in this game isn't that hard, nevertheless frustration can easily come up here thanks to the fact that you must avoid touching the walls as long as possible. Your missing is to score a particular amount of points within the time given (usually two minutes). Your amount of points will rise until you stop drifting, or touch a wall. Then your points will be added and you can drift again, but you'll lose time if you don't try to drift long enough. For me it took a long time to get into the groove of things, since many tracks are pretty difficult (like LA Harbor), while others are less difficult, but require more points within the few time (such as Jersey City Circuit). Here, it is immediate performance that matters! It can be annoying, but at least you can strengthen your concentration. So overall fun, but extremely intense.
Drag Race: Sadly the same thing can't be said here. Again, you race with street racing cars tuned to something else. And how do you put a drag race into a racing game anyways? Well, right before the race starts, a meter appears, which you have to get into the green bar. Getting a perfect burn is already more than hard enough, but when you start, the real struggle begins. Of course you must shit, but that is not enough. The meter reappears and you CONSTANTLY need to reach the green bar to stand a chance. OK, it isn't that long and can be done, but it needs PERFECTION and the fact that something where you have to press a button at the right time into a racing game is not good at all. It just doesn't fit. That however doesn't mean it wasn't fun to drive with those cars outside the races. Actually, I did reach 327.5 mp/h at the Bonneville Salt Flats! But overall this discipline is rather here for the sake of variety. I would have cut it out.
Hyper Cars: Well, honestly I don't like hypercars much, they look ugly, but boy, is it fun driving with them! Usually here the races are similar to the street racing ones, but usually the distances for the point to point races are WAY longer. As an example, there is a race from New York City to San Francisco! Of course here it doesn't take two days like it would in real life, only 40 minutes, but it still is extremely intense and messing up. Surprisingly, here the city races are easier.
Offroad Motorsport:
Rally Raid: Sadly, too few games still offer rally raid. Only a few like Gravel do. Here there are two types two. Races in which have to beat a certain time and races in which race against others (there are way fewer of the latter tho). In the latter category you can lose track tho considering there are no borders (only checkpoints) and all eight drivers can easily race wheel to wheel which each others. So overall this is one of my favorite disciplines, if not the best.
Motocross: Yes, there are bikes in rally raid too. But motocross, as we all know, is yet another story. I must admit I don't have got the spirit of Heinz Kinigadner, Tim Gajser, Tony Carolino or Travis Pastrana. But nevertheless, the tracks are tons of fun, whether they are on normal tracks or out in the wilderness (or even in cities). They are not realistic considering you can't fall from the bikes, but let's not forget The Crew 2 ain't a simulation.
Rallycross: Also one of my favorites, considering how much I have grown into rallycross. The Dirt games have brought rallycross from Europe to America, and many other games like V Rally, Project Cars 2 or Gravel have adadpted it too. And honestly, I don't wanna know what racing would be without rally cross. You either drive on stadiums or out in the mountains, woods and desert. In every case it's fun to race and yeah, it is similar to Dirt, but with a The Crew style of racing, and overall they work great together.
Hover Craft: While I first had struggles to control the hovercrafts, I soon I got into em and started getting Top-3's and even winning races. Now since you can drive both on land and water, you experience two different types of driving during one race what alone makes it fascinating. (I realized many of you folks didn't like em, BUT WHY? They are something unique!)
Freestyle Motorsport:
Jetsprint: Those boats honestly are lots of fun since you can drift extremely well with them. The disciplines usually aren't competeting against other drivers, but beating a certain time, which is a bit easier than I thought it would be, but in every case, lots of fun!
Aerobatics: Sadly it ain't like that here. Flying itself is loads of fun, but doing loopings can be EXTREMELY intense and many times they aren't recognized. It can be done, but requites lots of concentration. In general the flying disciplines ain't that fun. The planes are rather good for exploring.
Monster Trucks: This however was one thing everyone complained about, but I love it! Unlike for drifting and the hovercrafts, I got into em instantly. Here you need to score the points you find on the maps, which also requires lots of stunts. It's really hard to explain the feeling driving a monster truck. Try it for yourself first haha.
Demolition Derby: While being very unknown in Europe, in America many fans love this type of sport and I think I can understand why. Honestly, it's very similar to the Mario Kart battle courses, you gotta crash others on the area out to gain points, but beware of getting destroyed yourself, if your car is totally damaged, you'll lose points too. Overall pretty much fun, even though it may not be for everyone.
Pro Racing Motorsport:
Power Boat Racing: Sadly they are way more complicated than the other boat disciplines. Drifting doesn't work, you gotta pray the waves are on your side and choosing the best path is mandatory. Of course you can reach the Top-3 with em too, but it is EXTREMELY intense and not half as much fun as the jet sprint.
Air Race: Also just as complicated as aerobatics, here you gotta beat certain time and hit EVERY chick point of the way. If you not just simply match it, but also match it perfectly, you got one second as a bonus, but if you miss it, you get one second too - however as a penalty. So precision is mandatory and that just isn't my cup of tea. Like I said, I prefer having the planes outsie the missions.
Touring Cars: This one however is one of the best disciplines (along with Rally Cross and Rally Raid). And like in the street and rally raid races, you not only race with cars, but also with (super)bikes and the care itself too already show lots of variety, from European and American touring cars to the old Mercedes-Benz W196 from 1953.
Alpha GP: The last discipline and another one of the highlights since you here you compete with open wheel racer, even including two F1 cars from Red Bull Racing. It's kinda amazing that here the cars have a better feeling than in Codemaster's F1 games. If only real F1 was like that too... well, it once used to be... of course, there is no such thing as pit stops, but other than that the turbo gives you more fun than it already has, and that in Max Verstappen's RB...
So overall, while not all disciplines can't convince equally, for the most part they are lots of fun and no racing game in history has ever provided that much variety. So despite all the frustrations, I am more than satisfied and can live perfectly with the mistakes, even though some maybe can't. Depends on how much you like things like monster trucks and jetsprints.
Map: the map shows a lot of overview over America, of course not perfectly, but many. I just wish we will also have cities like Philadelphia and Indianapolis one day, those are sadly still missing. But other than that, we do have the most important parts of America, such as Manhattan, Las Vegas, the Rocky Mountains, Lake Michigan, Mount Washington etc.
Unlike in The Crew 1, the cars do have an order, every car (except for the helicoper) falls under one of the 16 main categories. I just don't like the concept with the drifting and dag cars. Honestly, couldn't they have just made an option to turn street racing into drift cars. But well, why should I complain? Overall in every category, there's a decent amount of cars, like already said, Red Bull in the Alpha GP category, Mercedes W196 and NASCAR Chevrolet Silverado in touring cars, Chevy Camaro in street racing, KTM in motocross, Kris Meeke's Citroen C3 in rallycross and and and...
The title song is already nice, but like in Forza Horizon, the music that plays during play comes from one of eight radio stations. Here however, they don't have an DJ's which perhaps is better so that you can listen to music nonstep.
I think the most popular is a rock station, that focuses a lot on hard and indie ruck. I prefer it way over the Horizon XS station from FH4, it has less punk and more hard rock. The perhaps most popular songs are "Howlin' For You" by Black Keys and "Elephant" by Tale Impala, my favorite however is "Open Road" by Delta Thieves.
Same goes for the classical station, which contains many of the most legendary compositions from Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky and Wagner. In competition with Timeless FM from FH4, I'm not sure which one is better, but in both games the classical station is the one I listen to the most.
Also the "BPM" (EDM) station (which also has some indie pop tunes) tops Horizon Bass Arena, since here the only song I don't like is "Badman", while most of the rest is very groovy in here, even the Martin Garrix song. My favorite is perhaps "Playing Games".
Same thing however can't be said about the Latin station, which too has some darn catchy songs, and most of it is less bad than English pop music, but nevertheless there's too much autotune in here and some songs are really annoying. And the hip hop one... good for what it is, but I don't like rap at all. Also "Wildstep"... sorry, but most of the songs here would fit either into the hip hop or the BPM station. I think overall the playlist is irrelevant.
However, the "Ambient" station is way better. It isn't really ambient, rather with trip hop and soft indie pop music, but nevertheless here too the selection is pretty soothing and perfect for a ride at night. It definitely is one of the better playlists.
And last but not least the country music station. I honestly was sceptical when I read of this because most of the country music on the radio is pretty boring. Here however you'll hear a mix of swamp, gothic and alternative country from artists like Blues Saraceno and Ouimette. It is perhaps the coolest playlist (along with the rock one), even though I wish it was longer.
Overall there's something there for everybody, and really shows that in every cars TC2 is a synonyme for variety.
Bonus missions:
there are other missions outside the main races too, such as shooting photos and breaking a time record on a certain track. I'm glad this game offers such things, because why they may not be as exciting as Forza Horizon 4, they still do their job and show that Ubisoft care about their fans.
Overall I can say that despite all its flaw, I love The Crew 2, and I believe Ubisoft have done an extremely good job and made a game that I'll be playing for a long time because it has just so much replay value. Now I don't give particular ratings to a game, and I won't do this time either, but I just call it "a game that should be lots of fun to every true racing fan, and to others too". If you can't appreciate it, then well, we don't all have the same tastes lol.

Freitag, 3. Juli 2020

Gaming Review: Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

OK folks. So much crap going on so I'll move on to something else. I've thought about doing reviews on games and music for a while now, so here's my first one. Gran Turismo 5.
I didn't play much GT before, so I had troubles getting used to the controls, since you don't hit the throttle by pressing R2, but by pushing the right joystick forward (and you break by pushing it backwards, which at least makes breaking more comfortable).
It is a very good game, even though that doesn't say much since there has never been a bad Gran Turismo. The map sadly doesn't look as great as in Gran Turismo 4, and many tracks had to be removed too thanks to the large amount of cars, but the fact that we finally had Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and Bughatti for sure makes up for that!
Also it was the last Gran Turismo to feature the used car dealer. Hopefully we'll see it again in GT7!
Another highlight are all the extra missions, like racing futuristic red bull cars against Sebastian Vettel or experiencing rallying.
The cars also are great, like I said, we finally had Ferrari and Lamborghini cars, and nearly all cars from GT1-4 returned. With more than 1,000 cars, there's definitely a lot to explore. The tuning system was not perfect, but better than in GT4.
Also the jazz music playing in the background gives me chills. The music during the races... well, it coulda been better, but guess what? You can put your own music from your computer on the PS3 (with an USB stick) and then import it to GT5 (works in GT6 too). Why can't we have that anymore? Let's hope it will be possible again at the PS5.
So overall it is one of the games with the biggest replay value. We can argue about the controls and the damage system, but other than that it is a strongly enjoyable game.
I just wonder where my booklet has gone. I may have lost it or thrown it away by accident... silly me :)

The destruction of our Christian culture

It honestly saddens me that "Islamophobia" is bad, but Christophobia is seen as good. Folks, why should we tolerate Muslims when they tolerate no one but themselves? So much for tolerance. Honestly we tolerate too much things those days... except for things that strengthen our country.

Like I said, Antifa are offended by everything and ashamed of nothing.

Freitag, 20. März 2020

Are rock'n'roll, blues, jazz etc. really black music?

White people are responsible for the creation of many of the most popular forms of music. White people created the blues, jazz, rock and roll and rap music.

White liberals and blacks often falsely credit blacks with the accomplishments of white people. For example, they claim blacks invented the traffic light, the blood bank and air conditioning when these things were invented by whites. They do the same thing with music. They claim blacks created the blues, jazz, rock and roll and rap and that white people "stole" this music from blacks. If there was any stealing done it was done by blacks from whites.

The blues came from the British Isles. An early blues song is Greensleeves. Greensleeves is a song about a man who was taken advantage of by a woman and then rejected. It dates from the late 1500s.

The first recorded jazz song was Livery Stable Blues by the Dixieland Jass Band, recorded in 1917. Band member Nick Larocca claimed to have invented jazz and his music is the first known examples of it.

Rock and roll is often claimed to be speeded up blues. This claim ignores the influence of white country music in rock and roll. Either way rock and roll developed from white music. The first known recorded example of a rock and roll song is Move It On Over, recorded by Hank Williams in 1947. It was the template for songs such as Rock Around the Clock and Roll Over Beethoven.

Oh, and the term "rock and roll" was used by whites in the 1800s. For example, it was mentioned in one of the Little House On the Prairie books, set around 1880. It probably refers to the motion of trains. Black supremacists try to credit blacks with inventing the term, using a preposterous explanation.

Rap was being done by whites in the 1920s. The first recorded rap song was recorded in 1927 by Swedish artist Evert Taube. It was called Kinesiska Muren.

Don't believe what I say? Listen to the songs yourself. Are you going to believe black supremacist, anti-white propagandists or your own ears?

Dienstag, 10. März 2020

Departure from BitChute

Indeed BitChute has become what YouTube used to be back in 2011: a free speech zone without the goddamn SJW's. But it also became another thing: addictive. I was so addicted to it that I was forced to start a longer break. So you will not hear anything from me for a while. Sorry.

Montag, 9. März 2020

Richard Wagner and Jesus

"One might say that where religion becomes artificial, it is reserved for art to save the spirit of religion by recognizing the figurative value of the mythical symbol, which religion would have us believe in a literal sense, and revealing its deep and hidden truths through an ideal presentation. * * * Whilst the priest stakes everything on religious allegories being accepted as matters of fact, the artist has no concern at all with such a think since he freely and openly gives out his work as his own invention. But religion has sunk into an artificial life when she finds herself compelled to keep on adding to the edifice of her dogmatic symbols, and thus conceals the one divinely true in her, beneath an ever-growing heap of incredibilities recommended to belief. Feeling this, she has always sought the aid of art, who on her side has remained incapable of a higher evolution so long as she must present that alleged reality to the worshiper, in the form of fetishes and idols, whereas she could only fulfill her true vocation when, by an ideal presentment of the allegorical figure, she let to an apprehension of its inner kernel-the truth ineffably divine."

It is often believed that Wagner was an Atheist. That is not true at all. Wagner admired Jesus and saw him as a role model. However, he also was far from being an orthodox Christians. He saw the contradictions in "God's word" and rejected the Old Testament, as he saw that it contradicted with the love and mercy of Christian teachings. He saw it as especially great for the poor people (Matthew 5:3) and as a form of comfort. He condemned pictures of the final judgement and saw the teachings of hell as a tactic by the organized church to control. He however nevertheless saw Christian influences through his music. His focus was the hope of Christ. He also saw the contradictions between the God of the Old Testament (Yahweh/Jehovah) and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, of whom he realized that he was of Greek heritage, not Hebrew one.
It may have been a strange try of Wagner to mix Christian teachings with Schopenhauer's philosophy. Many fundamentalists definitely have critisized him for his views on sexuality and his attempts to mix their belief system with Buddhism and Paganism. I believe we have to Wagner saw his music as the greatest gift of God (which I will definitely agree with!) and that it was a way better way of healing than what we are provided in religious and non-religious circles. Wagner knew that God is real, but that not everything in the Bible is inspired by Him.

Nature of the Threat to Whites: Rap "music" (Kyle Hunt)

Now whilst I have decided to archive his article here, keep in mind that I am not really a supporter of Kyle. Another nationalist I do not wish to mention has mad the claim of Kyle having a Jewish wife. I would say this argument lacks of proof, but nevertheless I am cautious about him. On the other hand, he could have made them on Hitler too, so I'm not buying it either. And I need a break from Bitchute. This site has became much like a God to me. No videos for a while.

Christian humanism is a toxic philosophy among white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs). It’s not quite the same as the insufferable cultural Marxist-based social justice warriors (SJW) in that it’s based more upon religion. Rather, the view effectively gives great “tolerance” and “understanding” to groups and races who have been oppressed or can take a victimhood stance.
In place of a political theology capable of distinguishing between friend and enemy, Christian humanism advocates unilateral moral disarmament. The position of The New Nationalist (TNN) is different in that it holds that political and social action demands prudent distinctions between the interests of our community and their community. This also extends to the white community’s friends and allies versus its enemies.
The ideal of prudent distinction should insist that the white community be humanist enough to walk in the black community’s shoes and at least try to be empathetic and to consider their points of view. It must also hold out an olive branch of redemption to all peoples. However, the line is crossed and the gloves come off when the other communities engage in strategy and tactics that harm the white community.
The black community — and, in particular, its youth — largely convey their worldview through hip-hop and rap music. Given that this is their chosen method to communicate, it behooves the white community to examine it. R&B and hip hop make up about 14 percent of record sales in the U.S. However, its reach is even greater given that it is frequently illegally downloaded.
The move to (((corporate recording studios))) encouraged rappers “to collapse their recording selves and their actual selves.” The “art form” is to imbue performances with authenticity. Performers boast about “keeping it real.” They rap about gangstas and hustlers, pimps and hoes, guns and violence, they say, only because crime, violence and prison loom so large in the life of disadvantaged black youth.
As such, the white community must carefully examine the spirit and mentality with which rappers convey this lifestyle. If the music was sad, sorrowful and introspective, then empathy is highly appropriate. But it’s not really even “woe is me.” In fact, unfortunately, upon closer examination, much of the gangsta hip-hop/rap music genre actually seems to rejoice and relish in a sick, twisted, sadomasochistic self-destructive world of violence, degeneracy and evil.
To be fair, there is some hip hop or rap that is lite or neutral. There is even some — dance tropical, for example — that I personally like, or at least tolerate. Whites don’t need to be purists and hard asses about such music. There is plenty of excellent “world genre” music out there to enjoy. But there is also a lot that is openly hostile toward whites, especially in this weaponized, gangsta hip-hop and rap genre.

Nature of the Threat

Unless blacks themselves are prepared to strongly disavow and censure this music within their own communities, then the white community has no choice but to consider those (including useful-idiot whites) listening to it and supporting it as being heavily propagandized and influenced into being a hostile element to the life and security of white people. It leaves whites no other choice but to circle their wagons.
There are some blacks who see the downside and negativity going on in their own communities. But instead of owning up, they, too, blame the music on “whitey.”
My impressions:
And here too I totally agree with Kyle! A lot of people attack him for such views and think he was narrow minded, but even here he said not all rap must be avoided and that we don't have to be purists. NS rap is actually good (especially German artists like Chris Ares) and some others are neutral too. But still, all the anti-white attacks cannot be ignored any longer. But most of the sheeple probably will.
Our primary mission is to wake up whites (and blacks) who are complacent normies. I am a big believer in the low hanging fruit concept.
If you make this about so called black beats, rythmns and drums, you will turn normie off. In fact you will turn me off, because frankly I like repetitive drums. It is just too engrained and insurmountable in the culture. We need to look for wins not distractions .Therefore the focus should be totally oriented towards the nasty anti-white hostility in the lyrics. Anything else should be left as fodder for preaching to the choir in forums like this, because it is counterproductive out there in the world.
Not all popular music has been black tho. Remember people or groups like Gary Puckett, Hank Snow, Jay and the Americans, Bread, Don McClean, Todd Rundgren, James Taylor, Sheena Easton, The Eagles, Bob Seger, Mr. Mister, The Pretenders, The Little River Band, Ace, Depeche Mode and even WHAM, among many others? None of these artists would crack the TOP 100 today because their sounds is distinctly White, and I’d venture to say 99.999% of all blacks don’t have any of these artists in their CD collection…and that’s why. The sound doesn’t speak to them because it’s not derivative of their culture and yet, it’s still pop/rock music.

Mittwoch, 4. März 2020

Marine-Burger (Kochrezept von 3thedward) (GERMAN)

Sagte ich bereits, dass ich zukünftig Rezepte posten will?

1 Zwiebel
1 Ei zur Bindung
2 Dosen Thunfisch

Hope Springs Eternal: Degenerate Music Sales Plunge (Kyle Hunt from Renegade Tribunes - I do hope this is not seen as stealing, since my mission is to spread this message further)

The sales of recent U.S. music releases have been fading for some time now. Catalog albums (defined as albums eighteen months old and older) began outselling new releases, doing so for the first time on record in 2015.  Data for 2016 shows older catalog albums gaining even more, outselling new releases by a wide 60-40 ratio in 2016.

A closer look suggests that the real problem may simply be that the music industry is not offering customers music that they want.  Existing research demonstrates that only 5% of the American population over the age of 18 considers the last two decades (from 2000 to current) as having the best music.

Blow back and Ignoring Large Markets?

Even though the music and entertainment industry has been dominated by pervert justice warriors (PJW) and their tastes for quite sometime, it arguably wasn’t used to openly promote insane weirdness and degeneracy to the degree it is now [see “Fuller House”]. In the last fifteen years the Luciferian transhumanist element has kicked into overdrive. I submit that more and more people may be turning away or recoiling from the constant torrent of soulless and satanic garbage that the record labels are promoting.

Although the young, white, heterosexual male has been thoroughly demoralized, demonized and impacted by pop culture in recent years, that doesn’t mean he totally supports with his pocketbook this filth as a product. Nor has he gone the way of the dodo bird just yet. The rabble that produces contemporary music might want to re-fact check its market demographics. There are still 105 million white straight males under the age of 40 in the United States.

The rock genre of the 1990s and earlier was geared more toward a white male market. It’s largely diminished. Plus, many of the musicians before the turn of the century were promoted because they actually had some talent. They also showed male bravado.

The acts featured now seem to be these weird creations designed to push bizarre culture-destroying agendas. Top it off with the constant stream of mentally challenged aka retarded gangsta black rappers like Kanye West, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and it is obvious to see why the music industry is in decline.

This is not just immoral, it is a bad business model. It is heartening to see it beginning to fail. A boycott would be just the ticket to put the dagger into this vampire’s heart.

Lil Wayne: try and listen to the lyrics (can follow here), absurd.
Linus' additional words: as usually, Kyle nailed it! As for the Watch Mojo video, Robert Johnson, Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix aren't people I would put into there tho.

My first post in German


Ja, zum ersten Mal in acht Jahren poste ich hier in meiner Muttersprache.

Ich bringe gerne kontroverse Inhalte, die für die heutige Welt eher unbequem sind. Allerdings werde ich zukünftig nicht nur Inhalte auf Deutsch posten, sondern auch etwas "normalere" Themen wie Kochrezepte, denn essen muss jeder.

bis dann,
euer Linus

Freitag, 28. Februar 2020

Christianity and Communism

“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.”
- Oswald Spengler

"Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy. Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings."

"The "Society of Jesus" - the Jesuit religious order - in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."
Above quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] From the article: Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism? 30/04/2013

"American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity.
-Josef Goebbels 1

Communism is not anti-Christian, as is commonly believed:
In addition to this, the Catholic Church in China has over 70 million members and is growing. There is also the Catholic Changchung Cathedral in Communist North Korea; the nominal cathedral of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Pyongyang, North Korea. The Russian Orthodox Church worked hand in hand with the Communist Party in the USSR. The violence against its Clergy during the revolution, was simply to weed out the Czarist elements from its ranks, and nothing more. Stalin openly worked with the Orthodox Church to help the Communist war effort for the Red Army during the second world war. Today in Russia, high ranking Clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church openly advocate a Christian Communist movement within their nation. The Catholic Church also has had a strong hand in the Communistic, Liberation Theology in South America. It’s no mistake Catholic Clergy could traverse the “Iron Curtain” during the cold war with ease.
80 million Bibles printed in China - and counting Link to article from 'Christianity Today.'

"Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) was a German Marxist philosopher and atheist theologian. Although not a Christian himself, he is said to have "bridged the gap" between Christian communism and the Leninist branch of Marxism. One of Bloch's major works, the Principle of Hope, contains such declarations as: "Ubi Lenin, ibi Jerusalem" [Where Lenin is, there is Jerusalem] and "the Bolshevist fulfillment of Communism [is part of] the age-old fight for God." 2

In truth, Christianity prepares the populace to be open to and to accept communism. There is nothing within the Christian doctrines or the teachings of the Nazarene that conflicts with communism in any way. Christianity IS Communism.

•Both programs work to enslave, using terror, brutality, mass murder and coersion. The Catholic Church was the KGB of the Middle Ages, ruling through terror, use of force and mass murder. The Inquisition is a blatant example.

•Both programs prohibit the ownership of private property. Christianity prepares followers on a subliminal level for communism. Christians are indoctrinated to believe that poverty is a virtue. Once this concept takes hold upon one's subconscious mind, quite often, a serious lack of money is a result and this sometimes even lasts into future lives, speaking from a spiritual perspective. What this does is it also creates a self-perpetuating program, and in turn creates generations of poor. The Christian Churches then appear as helpers of the poor and benefactors, when all along, it was the Christian teachings that created and enforced the problem. The Jew creates the problems and then gives the Jewish version of a damned solution for Gentiles. Click here for an artical econcerning Christian Mind Control

•There is nothing at all spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool for removing spiritual knowledge and powers, and replacing these with meaningless robotic 'prayers' corrupted from and repeated in the same fashion as Far Eastern mantras, and endless indoctrination with false teachings aimed to imbed a fictitious status and history of the Jewish people in the minds of Christians, which is nothing spiritual at all. Few if any Christian preachers can diagram the human soul, for example. The removal of and the corruption of spiritual knowledge prepares the populace to accept the atheistic communist state.

•Both Christianity and Communism present themselves as brotherhood programs, promoting equality, prosperity, good will, and a better way of life, but upon closer examination of their real doctrines and histories, this is nothing more than a come-along and beneath the surface, terror, mass murder, torture, forced indoctrination, and keeping the populace ignorant are the bulwark of both of these programs. Any fool who reads the Judeo/Christian Bible can plainly see the endless accounts of mass murder, pillaging, rape, enslavement, and threats of eternal torture and damnation if the doctrines are not taken seriously or adhered to, and above all, how jewhova was a murderous monster who preyed upon Gentiles; no different from the communist programs. For proof of this see "Jehova and Human Blood Sacrifice." "A Murderer and a Liar from the Beginning."

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."
Luke 19: 27
[Direct quote from Jesus advocating murder]

•"Rebellion" is a definite NO NO and is "of the Devil."

Christianity also prepares followers for communism in that one is indoctrinated to endure injustice. Nearly everyone has heard the biblical scriptures about turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, loving one's enemies and so forth. These teachings work together with communism in destroying the justice system and personal rights. Crime is allowed to get so out of control [as it already has]; that the populace is not only discouraged from fighting back, but if one should defend one's self, one is often punished for this. What these Jewish programs do, is they set a trap. Most people eventually are more than willing to give up their rights in favor of ultra-strict laws in order to control crime. Both programs prohibit taking any personal action in the way of enforcing justice and place this responsibility in the hands of the state for communism, and in the hands of that so-called "God" for Christianity. Any rebellion or fighting back is a grave offense. The acceptance of abuse and injustice are both very necessary for establishing a slave state. A slave must never try to fight back or rebel in any way. Hate is another taboo in both programs.

A look into Communism’s birth:
Communism was created out of the organization “The League of the Just.” The motto of the League of the Just ("Bund der Gerechten" or "Bund der Gerechtigkeit") was "All Men are Brothers" and its goals were "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".
“At a congress held in London in June 1847 the League of the Just merged with members of the Communist Corresponding Committee headed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, adopting a new organizational charter and programme and reconstituting itself as the Communist League.” [3]
This is the basis of the Christian doctrine.

We can trace Communism’s roots back to the radical Liberal ideology in Europe. Which itself is Christianity in disguise. As Nietzsche stated about the French revolution and its Liberal ideology as the: “Daughter and continuation of Christianity.”

This radical, universalist, egalitarian doctrine is at the heart of Christianity, and Liberalism with its stepping off point into Communism. Where Liberalism then morphed into Communism openly:

“During the decade of the 1840s the word "communist" came into general use to describe those who hailed the left wing of the Jacobin Club of the French Revolution as their ideological forefathers. This political tendency saw itself as egalitarian heritors of the 1795 Conspiracy of Equals headed by Gracchus Babeuf. The sans-culottes of Paris which had decades earlier been the base of support for Babeuf — artisans, journeymen, and the urban unemployed — was seen as a potential foundation for a new social system based upon the modern machine production of the day.”

The French thinker Étienne Cabet inspired the imagination with a novel about a utopian society based upon communal machine production- "Voyage en Icarie" [1839]. The revolutionary Louis Auguste Blanqui argued in favor of an elite organising the overwhelming majority of the population against the "rich," seizing the government in a coup d'état, and instituting a new egalitarian economic order.” 4

A review of the emerging trends from Christianity to Liberalism and into Communism:

Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ
William Gayley Simpson's Which Way Western Man?

Revilo Oliver:
"The other apostates I have mentioned, and many that are now forgotten, together with almost all of the anti-Christians of recent centuries, exemplify the operation of what may be called the law of cultural residues. In all civilized societies, when a long-established and generally accepted belief is found to be incredible, good minds abandon it, but they commonly retain derivative beliefs that were originally deduced from the creed they have rejected and logically must depend on it. Thus it happened that modern enemies of Christianity rejected the mythology, but uncritically retained faith in the social and ethical superstitions derived from it — a faith which they oddly call rational but hold with a religious fervor."

"They laugh at the silly story about Adam and his spare rib, but they continue to believe in a "human race" descended from a single pair of ancestors and hence in a "brotherhood of man." They speak of "all mankind," giving to the term an unctuous and mystic meaning with which they do not invest corresponding terms, such as "all marsupials" or "all ungulates." They prate about the "rights of man," although a moment's thought should suffice to show that, in the absence of a decree from a supernatural monarch, there can be no rights other than those which the citizens of a stable and homogeneous society have, by covenant or established custom, bestowed on themselves; and that while the citizens may show kindness to aliens, slaves, and dogs, such beings obviously can have no rights."

"They do not believe that one-third of a god became incarnate in the most squalid region on earth to associate with illiterate peasants, harangue the rabble of a barbarian race, and magically exalt the ignorant and uncouth to "make folly of the wisdom of this world," so that "the last shall be first" — that they do not believe, but they cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate."

"They gabble about the 'sanctity of human life' — especially the vilest forms of it — without reflecting that it takes a god creator to make something sacred. And they frantically agitate for a universal "equality" that can be attained only by reducing all human beings to the level of the lowest, evidently unaware that they are merely echoing the Christians' oft-expressed yearning to become sheep (the most stupid of all mammals) herded by a good shepherd, which is implicit in all the tales of the New Testament, although most bluntly expressed in another gospel, which reports Jesus as promising that after he has tortured and butchered the more civilized populations of the earth, there will be a Resurrection, and his ovine pets will pop out of their graves, all of the same age, all of the same sex, all of the same stature, and all having indistinguishable features, so that they will be as identical as the bees in a swarm."

"Although the "Liberal" and Marxist cults have doctrinal differences as great as those that separate Lutherans from Baptists, they are basically the same superstition, and whether or not we should call them religions depends on whether we restrict the word to belief in supernatural persons or extend it to include all forms of blind faith based on emotional excitement instead of observed facts and reason. When those "atheistic" cults scream out their hatred of "Fascists" and "Nazis," they obviously must believe that those wicked persons are possessed of the Devil and should therefore be converted or exterminated to promote holiness and love. And when they see "racists," who impiously substitute fact and reason for unthinking faith in approved fairy stories, their lust to extirpate evil is as great as that of the Christian mob that dragged the fair and too intelligent Hypatia from her carriage and lovingly used oyster shells to scrape the flesh from her bones while she was still alive."

"With very few exceptions, the anti-Christians, no doubt unwittingly, retained in their minds a large part of Christian doctrine, and they even revived the most poisonous elements of the primitive Bolshevism of Antiquity, which had been attenuated or held in abeyance by the established churches in the great days of Christendom. And today, professed atheists do not think it odd that, on all social questions, they are in substantial agreement with the howling dervishes and evangelical shamans who, subsidized with lavish publicity by the Organized Jewry who control the boob-tubes and other means of communication, greedily participate in the current drive to reduce Americans to total imbecility with every kind of irrational hoax."

“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.”
-- Oswald Spengler

We can witness this statement with the open banner of Christian Communism:
"Christian communists seek to achieve large-scale social change, however. Some believe that, rather than attempting to transform the politics and economics of an entire country, Christians should instead establish communism at a local or regional level only."

The Latin American branch of Christian Communist Liberation Theology, according to theologians such as Leonardo Boff; is rooted in the concept that "prudence is the understanding of situations of radical crisis". Among Christian Communists, Historical Materialism is utilised as a methodology of analysis to define the nature of the crisis in question as a product of political-economic dynamics and modalities derived from the workings of what is termed "the late capitalist/imperialist mode of production". According to this subset of Liberation Theology, the challenge for the Christian Communist is then to define what it means (in context of "a concrete analysis of the concrete social reality"), to affirm a "preferential option for the poor and oppressed" as Praxis (active theory),and as commanded by an ethics allegedly "rooted in the beatidic teachings of Jesus".

Christian Communist Liberation Theology is not about evangelization per se, but rather about developing an Orthopraxis (ethical action; The condition of coming to the light by doing the works of God), that aims to reconcile the "Beatidic Ethics" of Jesus, as expoused in the Sermon on the Mount; with existing social struggles against what is termed "neo-colonialism" or "Late Capitalism". Both Christian Communism and Liberation Theology stress "orthopraxis" over "orthodoxy". A narrative of the nature of contemporary social struggles is developed via "materialist analysis" utilising historiographic concepts developed by Karl Marx. A concrete example are the Paraguayan Sin Tierra (landless) movement, who engage in direct land seizures and the establishment of socialized agricultural cooperative production in asentamientos. The contemporary Paraguayan Sin Tierra operate in a very similar manner as that of the reformation era Diggers. For Camilo Torres (the founder of the Colombian guerrilla group E.L.N.), developing this Orthopraxis meant celebrating the Catholic Eucharist only among those engaged in armed struggle against the army of the Colombian state, while fighting alongside them.

Christian communists hold the Biblical verses in Acts 2 and 4 as evidence that the first Christians lived in a communist society. Thomas Wharton Collens' Preaching is a good description of biblical sources being used with the goal of a common-property society; Prof. José P. Miranda, "Comunismo en la Biblia" (1981), translated as, "Communism in the Bible" (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1982).

But, in addition, they also cite numerous other Biblical passages which, in their view, support the idea that communism is the most ethical social system and that it is inescapably constitutive of the kingdom of God on earth. The most often quoted of these Biblical citations are taken from the three synoptic Gospels, which describe the life and ministry of Jesus.

One of Jesus' most famous remarks regarding the wealthy can be found in Matthew 19:16–24 (the same event is also described in Mark 10:17–25 and Luke 18:18–25, and the metaphor of a camel going through the eye of a needle is common to both Matthew and Luke).

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. 23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Jesus also described "money changers" (i.e. those engaged in currency exchange) as "thieves" and chased them out of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is described in Matthew 21:12–14, Mark 11:15, and John 2:14–16.

In addition, communistic attitudes and implications can be found in Leviticus 25:35–38: Most significantly, this is part of the Law of Moses, and as such is commandment rather than exhortation or airing of opinion. This fact bears heavily upon subsequent discussion of the question of compulsory or voluntary relinquishing of riches, either as a possible entry requirement to Christian grace or as a means of achieving divine intentions for human social order. 5

“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.”- Oswald Spengler