Montag, 9. März 2020

Nature of the Threat to Whites: Rap "music" (Kyle Hunt)

Now whilst I have decided to archive his article here, keep in mind that I am not really a supporter of Kyle. Another nationalist I do not wish to mention has mad the claim of Kyle having a Jewish wife. I would say this argument lacks of proof, but nevertheless I am cautious about him. On the other hand, he could have made them on Hitler too, so I'm not buying it either. And I need a break from Bitchute. This site has became much like a God to me. No videos for a while.

Christian humanism is a toxic philosophy among white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs). It’s not quite the same as the insufferable cultural Marxist-based social justice warriors (SJW) in that it’s based more upon religion. Rather, the view effectively gives great “tolerance” and “understanding” to groups and races who have been oppressed or can take a victimhood stance.
In place of a political theology capable of distinguishing between friend and enemy, Christian humanism advocates unilateral moral disarmament. The position of The New Nationalist (TNN) is different in that it holds that political and social action demands prudent distinctions between the interests of our community and their community. This also extends to the white community’s friends and allies versus its enemies.
The ideal of prudent distinction should insist that the white community be humanist enough to walk in the black community’s shoes and at least try to be empathetic and to consider their points of view. It must also hold out an olive branch of redemption to all peoples. However, the line is crossed and the gloves come off when the other communities engage in strategy and tactics that harm the white community.
The black community — and, in particular, its youth — largely convey their worldview through hip-hop and rap music. Given that this is their chosen method to communicate, it behooves the white community to examine it. R&B and hip hop make up about 14 percent of record sales in the U.S. However, its reach is even greater given that it is frequently illegally downloaded.
The move to (((corporate recording studios))) encouraged rappers “to collapse their recording selves and their actual selves.” The “art form” is to imbue performances with authenticity. Performers boast about “keeping it real.” They rap about gangstas and hustlers, pimps and hoes, guns and violence, they say, only because crime, violence and prison loom so large in the life of disadvantaged black youth.
As such, the white community must carefully examine the spirit and mentality with which rappers convey this lifestyle. If the music was sad, sorrowful and introspective, then empathy is highly appropriate. But it’s not really even “woe is me.” In fact, unfortunately, upon closer examination, much of the gangsta hip-hop/rap music genre actually seems to rejoice and relish in a sick, twisted, sadomasochistic self-destructive world of violence, degeneracy and evil.
To be fair, there is some hip hop or rap that is lite or neutral. There is even some — dance tropical, for example — that I personally like, or at least tolerate. Whites don’t need to be purists and hard asses about such music. There is plenty of excellent “world genre” music out there to enjoy. But there is also a lot that is openly hostile toward whites, especially in this weaponized, gangsta hip-hop and rap genre.

Nature of the Threat

Unless blacks themselves are prepared to strongly disavow and censure this music within their own communities, then the white community has no choice but to consider those (including useful-idiot whites) listening to it and supporting it as being heavily propagandized and influenced into being a hostile element to the life and security of white people. It leaves whites no other choice but to circle their wagons.
There are some blacks who see the downside and negativity going on in their own communities. But instead of owning up, they, too, blame the music on “whitey.”
My impressions:
And here too I totally agree with Kyle! A lot of people attack him for such views and think he was narrow minded, but even here he said not all rap must be avoided and that we don't have to be purists. NS rap is actually good (especially German artists like Chris Ares) and some others are neutral too. But still, all the anti-white attacks cannot be ignored any longer. But most of the sheeple probably will.
Our primary mission is to wake up whites (and blacks) who are complacent normies. I am a big believer in the low hanging fruit concept.
If you make this about so called black beats, rythmns and drums, you will turn normie off. In fact you will turn me off, because frankly I like repetitive drums. It is just too engrained and insurmountable in the culture. We need to look for wins not distractions .Therefore the focus should be totally oriented towards the nasty anti-white hostility in the lyrics. Anything else should be left as fodder for preaching to the choir in forums like this, because it is counterproductive out there in the world.
Not all popular music has been black tho. Remember people or groups like Gary Puckett, Hank Snow, Jay and the Americans, Bread, Don McClean, Todd Rundgren, James Taylor, Sheena Easton, The Eagles, Bob Seger, Mr. Mister, The Pretenders, The Little River Band, Ace, Depeche Mode and even WHAM, among many others? None of these artists would crack the TOP 100 today because their sounds is distinctly White, and I’d venture to say 99.999% of all blacks don’t have any of these artists in their CD collection…and that’s why. The sound doesn’t speak to them because it’s not derivative of their culture and yet, it’s still pop/rock music.

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